path: root/common/src/Common/Message/Translation.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'common/src/Common/Message/Translation.hs')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 67 deletions
diff --git a/common/src/Common/Message/Translation.hs b/common/src/Common/Message/Translation.hs
index a86a371..e74c801 100644
--- a/common/src/Common/Message/Translation.hs
+++ b/common/src/Common/Message/Translation.hs
@@ -517,80 +517,20 @@ m l SignIn_DisconnectSuccess =
English -> "You have successfully disconnected"
French -> "Vous êtes à présent déconnecté."
-m l SignIn_EmailInvalid =
+m l SignIn_InvalidCredentials =
case l of
- English -> "Your email is not valid."
- French -> "Votre courriel n’est pas valide."
+ English -> "Your credentials are not valid."
+ French -> "Vos identifiants de connexion ne sont pas valides."
m l SignIn_EmailLabel =
case l of
English -> "Email"
French -> "Courriel"
-m l SignIn_EmailSendFail =
- case l of
- English -> "You are authorized to sign in, but we failed to send you the sign up email."
- French -> "Tu es autorisé à te connecter, mais nous n’avons pas pu t’envoyer le courriel de connexion."
-m l SignIn_EmailSent =
- case l of
- English -> "We sent you an email with a connexion link."
- French -> "Nous t’avons envoyé un courriel avec un lien pour te connecter."
-m l SignIn_LinkExpired =
- case l of
- English -> "The link expired, please sign in again."
- French -> "Le lien sur lequel tu as cliqué a expiré, connecte-toi à nouveau."
-m l SignIn_LinkInvalid =
- case l of
- English -> "The link is invalid, please sign in again."
- French -> "Le lien sur lequel tu as cliqué est invalide, connecte-toi à nouveau."
-m l SignIn_LinkUsed =
- case l of
- English -> "You already used this link, please sign in again."
- French -> "Tu as déjà utilisé ce lien, connecte-toi à nouveau."
-m l SignIn_MailTitle =
- case l of
- English -> T.concat [ "Sign in to ", m l App_Title ]
- French -> T.concat [ "Connexion à ", m l App_Title ]
-m l (SignIn_MailBody name url) =
- T.intercalate
- "\n"
- ( case l of
- English ->
- [ T.concat [ "Hi ", name, "," ]
- , ""
- , T.concat
- [ "Click to the following link in order to sign in to Shared Cost:"
- , m l App_Title
- , ":"
- ]
- , url
- , ""
- , "See you soon!"
- ]
- French ->
- [ T.concat [ "Salut ", name, "," ]
- , ""
- , T.concat
- [ "Clique sur le lien suivant pour te connecter à "
- , m l App_Title
- , ":"
- ]
- , url
- , ""
- , "À très vite !"
- ]
- )
-m l SignIn_ParseError =
- case l of
- English -> "Error while reading initial data."
- French -> "Erreur lors de la lecture des données initiales."
+m l SignIn_PasswordLabel =
+ case l of
+ English -> "Password"
+ French -> "Mot de passe"
m l (Statistic_ByMonthsAndMean amount) =
case l of