path: root/server/src/Persistence/Income.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'server/src/Persistence/Income.hs')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/server/src/Persistence/Income.hs b/server/src/Persistence/Income.hs
index cb2ef10..ba7ad19 100644
--- a/server/src/Persistence/Income.hs
+++ b/server/src/Persistence/Income.hs
@@ -2,17 +2,22 @@ module Persistence.Income
( count
, list
, listAll
+ , listModifiedSince
, create
, edit
, delete
+ , definedForAll
) where
-import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import qualified Data.Maybe as Maybe
+import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Database.SQLite.Simple (FromRow (fromRow), Only (Only))
import qualified Database.SQLite.Simple as SQLite
-import Prelude hiding (id)
+import Prelude hiding (id, until)
import Common.Model (Income (..), IncomeId, PaymentId,
@@ -31,15 +36,15 @@ instance FromRow Row where
SQLite.field <*>
-data Count = Count Int
+data CountRow = CountRow Int
-instance FromRow Count where
- fromRow = Count <$> SQLite.field
+instance FromRow CountRow where
+ fromRow = CountRow <$> SQLite.field
count :: Query Int
count =
Query (\conn ->
- (\[Count n] -> n) <$>
+ (Maybe.fromMaybe 0 . fmap (\(CountRow n) -> n) . Maybe.listToMaybe) <$>
SQLite.query_ conn "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM income WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
@@ -60,6 +65,23 @@ listAll =
SQLite.query_ conn "SELECT * FROM income WHERE deleted_at IS NULL"
+listModifiedSince :: UTCTime -> Query [Income]
+listModifiedSince since =
+ Query (\conn ->
+ map (\(Row i) -> i) <$>
+ SQLite.query
+ conn
+ (SQLite.Query . T.intercalate " " $
+ [ "SELECT *"
+ , "FROM income"
+ , "WHERE"
+ , "created_at >= ?"
+ , "OR edited_at >= ?"
+ , "OR deleted_at >= ?"
+ ])
+ (Only since)
+ )
create :: UserId -> Day -> Int -> Query Income
create userId date amount =
Query (\conn -> do
@@ -83,7 +105,7 @@ create userId date amount =
edit :: UserId -> IncomeId -> Day -> Int -> Query (Maybe Income)
edit userId incomeId incomeDate incomeAmount =
Query (\conn -> do
- mbIncome <- fmap (\(Row i) -> i) . listToMaybe <$>
+ mbIncome <- fmap (\(Row i) -> i) . Maybe.listToMaybe <$>
SQLite.query conn "SELECT * FROM income WHERE id = ?" (Only incomeId)
case mbIncome of
Just income ->
@@ -114,3 +136,26 @@ delete userId paymentId =
"UPDATE income SET deleted_at = datetime('now') WHERE id = ? AND user_id = ?"
(paymentId, userId)
+data UserDayRow = UserDayRow (UserId, Day)
+instance FromRow UserDayRow where
+ fromRow = do
+ user <- SQLite.field
+ day <- SQLite.field
+ return $ UserDayRow (user, day)
+definedForAll :: [UserId] -> Query (Maybe Day)
+definedForAll users =
+ Query (\conn ->
+ (fromRows . fmap (\(UserDayRow (user, day)) -> (user, day))) <$>
+ SQLite.query_
+ conn
+ "SELECT user_id, MIN(date) FROM income WHERE deleted_at IS NULL GROUP BY user_id;"
+ )
+ where
+ fromRows rows =
+ if L.sort users == L.sort (map fst rows) then
+ Maybe.listToMaybe . L.sort . map snd $ rows
+ else
+ Nothing