From 70720548c9af024dbb6080638ac8e5470c2213eb Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Joris
Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2016 15:10:03 +0200
Subject: Use the search to view either punctual or monthly payments

 src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Home/AddPayment/View.elm | 68 ------------------------
 1 file changed, 68 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Home/AddPayment/View.elm

(limited to 'src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Home/AddPayment')

diff --git a/src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Home/AddPayment/View.elm b/src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Home/AddPayment/View.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ccdb35..0000000
--- a/src/client/elm/LoggedIn/Home/AddPayment/View.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-module LoggedIn.Home.AddPayment.View exposing
-  ( view
-  )
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Html.App as Html
-import Task
-import Form exposing (Form)
-import Dialog
-import View.Form as Form
-import View.Events exposing (onSubmitPrevDefault)
-import Msg exposing (Msg)
-import LoggedIn.Msg as LoggedInMsg
-import LoggedIn.Home.Msg as HomeMsg
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
-import Model.Payment as Payment
-import Model.View exposing (View(LoggedInView))
-import LoggedData exposing (LoggedData)
-import LoggedIn.Home.Model as HomeModel
-view : LoggedData -> Html Msg
-view loggedData =
-  let dialogConfig =
-        { title = getMessage "AddPayment" loggedData.translations
-        , body = \view -> (
-            case view of
-              LoggedInView loggedIn -> addPaymentForm loggedData loggedIn.home
-              _ -> text ""
-        )
-        , confirm = getMessage "Confirm" loggedData.translations
-        , confirmMsg = \view -> (
-            case view of
-              LoggedInView loggedIn ->
-                case Form.getOutput loggedIn.home.addPayment of
-                  Just data ->
-                    Ok (Msg.UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.AddPayment data.cost data.frequency)
-                  Nothing ->
-                    Err (Msg.UpdateLoggedIn <| LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg <| HomeMsg.AddPaymentMsg <| Form.Submit)
-              _ ->
-                Err (Msg.UpdateLoggedIn LoggedInMsg.NoOp)
-          )
-        , undo = getMessage "Undo" loggedData.translations
-        }
-  in  button
-        [ class "addPayment"
-        , onClick (Msg.Dialog <| Dialog.Open dialogConfig)
-        ]
-        [ text (getMessage "AddPayment" loggedData.translations) ]
-addPaymentForm : LoggedData -> HomeModel.Model -> Html Msg
-addPaymentForm loggedData { addPayment } =
-  let htmlMap = (Msg.UpdateLoggedIn << LoggedInMsg.HomeMsg << HomeMsg.AddPaymentMsg)
-  in  Html.form
-        [ class "addPayment"
-        , onSubmitPrevDefault Msg.NoOp
-        ]
-        [ Form.textInput loggedData.translations addPayment htmlMap "name"
-        , Form.textInput loggedData.translations addPayment htmlMap "cost"
-        , Form.radioInputs loggedData.translations addPayment htmlMap "frequency" [ toString Payment.Punctual, toString Payment.Monthly ]
-        ]
cgit v1.2.3