# Shared Cost

Share costs with a group of people:

- Share according to people income,
- Monthly payments available,
- Statistics by month,
- Weekly activity sent by email.

## Getting started

Install nix:

curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh

Start the environment with:

./make start

Init the database with migration scripts:

sqlite3 database < server/migrations/1.sql

Inside the tmux session, add some users with sqlite after the migration is done:

sqlite3 database
insert into user(creation, email, name) values (datetime('now'), 'john@mail.com', 'John');
insert into user(creation, email, name) values (datetime('now'), 'lisa@mail.com', 'Lisa');

Later, stop the environment with:

./make stop

## Dist

make dist

## Configuration

See [application.conf](application.conf).

## Documentation

- [reflex](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/reflex-
- [reflex-dom](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/reflex-dom-core-0.5/docs/doc-index-All.html)

## Issues

See [ISSUES.md](ISSUES.md).