module Common.Validation.Atomic
  ( color
  , day
  , minLength
  , nonEmpty
  , nonNullNumber
  , number
  , password
  ) where

import qualified Data.Char          as Char
import           Data.Text          (Text)
import qualified Data.Text          as T
import           Data.Time.Calendar (Day)
import           Data.Validation    (Validation)
import qualified Data.Validation    as V
import qualified Text.Read          as T

import qualified Common.Msg         as Msg
import qualified Common.Util.Time   as Time

minLength :: Int -> Text -> Validation Text Text
minLength l =
    (Msg.get (Msg.Form_MinChars l))
    (\t -> if T.length t >= l then Just t else Nothing)

nonEmpty :: Text -> Validation Text Text
nonEmpty =
    (Msg.get Msg.Form_NonEmpty)
    (\t -> if (not . T.null $ t) then Just t else Nothing)

number :: Text -> Validation Text Int
number input =
  case (T.readMaybe . T.unpack $ input) of
    Just n -> V.Success n
    _      -> V.Failure (Msg.get Msg.Form_InvalidInt)

nonNullNumber :: Int -> Validation Text Int
nonNullNumber =
    (Msg.get Msg.Form_NonNullNumber)
    (\n -> if n /= 0 then Just n else Nothing)

day :: Text ->  Validation Text Day
day str =
  case Time.parseDay str of
    Just d  -> V.Success d
    Nothing -> V.Failure $ Msg.get Msg.Form_InvalidDate

color :: Text -> Validation Text Text
color str =
  if T.take 1 str == "#" && T.all Char.isHexDigit (T.drop 1 str) then
    V.Success str

    V.Failure (Msg.get Msg.Form_InvalidColor)

password :: Text -> Validation Text Text
password = minLength 8