module Controller.Payment ( list , create , edit , delete , searchCategory , statistics ) where import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Calendar import Data.Validation (Validation (Failure, Success)) import Web.Scotty (ActionM) import qualified Web.Scotty as S import Common.Model (Category (..), CreatePaymentForm (..), EditPaymentForm (..), Frequency, PaymentHeader (..), PaymentId, PaymentPage (..), User (..)) import qualified Common.Msg as Msg import qualified Controller.Helper as ControllerHelper import Model.CreatePayment (CreatePayment (..)) import Model.EditPayment (EditPayment (..)) import qualified Model.Query as Query import qualified Payer as Payer import qualified Persistence.Category as CategoryPersistence import qualified Persistence.Income as IncomePersistence import qualified Persistence.Payment as PaymentPersistence import qualified Persistence.User as UserPersistence import qualified Secure import qualified Statistics import qualified Validation.Payment as PaymentValidation list :: Frequency -> Int -> Int -> Text -> ActionM () list frequency page perPage search = Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> (liftIO . $ do count <- PaymentPersistence.count frequency search payments <- PaymentPersistence.listActivePage frequency page perPage search users <- UserPersistence.list paymentRange <- PaymentPersistence.getRange incomeDefinedForAll <- IncomePersistence.definedForAll (_user_id <$> users) cumulativeIncome <- case (incomeDefinedForAll, paymentRange) of (Just incomeStart, Just (paymentStart, paymentEnd)) -> IncomePersistence.getCumulativeIncome (max incomeStart paymentStart) paymentEnd _ -> return M.empty searchRepartition <- case paymentRange of Just (from, to) -> PaymentPersistence.repartition frequency search from (Calendar.addDays 1 to) Nothing -> return M.empty (preIncomeRepartition, postIncomeRepartition) <- PaymentPersistence.getPreAndPostPaymentRepartition paymentRange users let exceedingPayers = Payer.getExceedingPayers users cumulativeIncome preIncomeRepartition postIncomeRepartition header = PaymentHeader { _paymentHeader_exceedingPayers = exceedingPayers , _paymentHeader_repartition = searchRepartition } return $ PaymentPage page frequency header payments count) >>= S.json ) create :: CreatePaymentForm -> ActionM () create form = Secure.loggedAction (\user -> (liftIO . $ do cs <- map _category_id <$> CategoryPersistence.listAll case PaymentValidation.createPayment cs form of Success (CreatePayment name cost date category frequency) -> Right <$> PaymentPersistence.create (_user_id user) name cost date category frequency Failure validationError -> return $ Left validationError ) >>= ControllerHelper.okOrBadRequest ) edit :: EditPaymentForm -> ActionM () edit form = Secure.loggedAction (\user -> (liftIO . $ do cs <- map _category_id <$> CategoryPersistence.listAll case PaymentValidation.editPayment cs form of Success (EditPayment paymentId name cost date category frequency) -> do isSuccess <- PaymentPersistence.edit (_user_id user) paymentId name cost date category frequency return $ if isSuccess then Right () else Left $ Msg.get Msg.Error_PaymentEdit Failure validationError -> return $ Left validationError ) >>= ControllerHelper.okOrBadRequest ) delete :: PaymentId -> ActionM () delete paymentId = Secure.loggedAction (\user -> liftIO . $ PaymentPersistence.delete (_user_id user) paymentId ) searchCategory :: Text -> ActionM () searchCategory paymentName = Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> do (liftIO $ (PaymentPersistence.searchCategory paymentName)) >>= S.json ) statistics :: ActionM () statistics = Secure.loggedAction (\_ -> do payments <- liftIO $ PaymentPersistence.listAllPunctual S.json (Statistics.compute payments) )