module LoggedIn.Home.AddPayment.Update ( update , addPaymentError ) where import Maybe import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=)) import LoggedIn.Home.AddPayment.Action as AddPaymentAction import LoggedIn.Home.AddPayment.Model as AddPaymentModel import Model.Translations exposing (Translations, getMessage) import Model.Payment exposing (PaymentFrequency(..)) update : AddPaymentAction.Action -> AddPaymentModel.Model -> AddPaymentModel.Model update action addPayment = case action of AddPaymentAction.NoOp -> addPayment AddPaymentAction.UpdateName name -> { addPayment | name = name } AddPaymentAction.UpdateCost cost -> { addPayment | cost = cost } AddPaymentAction.AddError nameError costError -> { addPayment | nameError = nameError , costError = costError , waitingServer = False } AddPaymentAction.ToggleFrequency -> { addPayment | frequency = if addPayment.frequency == Punctual then Monthly else Punctual } AddPaymentAction.WaitingServer -> { addPayment | waitingServer = True } addPaymentError : Translations -> String -> Maybe AddPaymentAction.Action addPaymentError translations jsonErr = let decoder = Json.object2 (,) (Json.maybe <| "name" := Json.string) (Json.maybe <| "cost" := Json.string) in case Json.decodeString decoder jsonErr of Err _ -> Nothing Ok (mbNameKey, mbCostKey) -> Just <| AddPaymentAction.AddError ( (flip getMessage translations) mbNameKey) ( (flip getMessage translations) mbCostKey)