module Update.LoggedIn.Account
  ( updateAccount
  ) where

import Maybe
import Dict
import Task

import Effects exposing (Effects)

import Server

import Model.Payer exposing (updatePayers)
import Model.Action.AccountAction exposing (..)
import Model.View.LoggedIn.Account exposing (..)

import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust)

updateAccount : AccountAction -> Account -> (Account, Effects AccountAction)
updateAccount action account =
  case action of

    NoOp ->
      (account, Effects.none)

    ToggleDetail ->
      ( { account | visibleDetail = not account.visibleDetail }
      , Effects.none

    UpdatePayer userId creation amountDiff ->
      ( { account | payers = updatePayers account.payers userId creation amountDiff }
      , Effects.none

    ToggleIncomeEdition ->
      ( { account | incomeEdition =
          if isJust account.incomeEdition
            then Nothing
            else Just (initIncomeEdition (Maybe.withDefault 0 (getCurrentIncome account)))
      , Effects.none

    UpdateIncomeEdition income ->
      case account.incomeEdition of
        Just incomeEdition ->
          ( { account | incomeEdition = Just { incomeEdition | income = income } }
          , Effects.none
        Nothing ->
          ( account
          , Effects.none

    UpdateEditionError error ->
      case account.incomeEdition of
        Just incomeEdition ->
          ( { account | incomeEdition = Just { incomeEdition | error = Just error } }
          , Effects.none
        Nothing ->
          ( account
          , Effects.none

    UpdateIncome currentTime amount ->
      ( account
      , Server.setIncome currentTime amount
          |> (always (ValidateUpdateIncome currentTime amount))
          |> flip Task.onError (always <| Task.succeed NoOp)
          |> Effects.task

    ValidateUpdateIncome currentTime amount ->
      ( { account
        | payers =
              |> Dict.update (\mbPayer ->
                case mbPayer of
                  Just payer ->
                      { payer
                      | incomes = payer.incomes ++ [{ creation = currentTime, amount = amount }]
                  Nothing ->
        , incomeEdition = Nothing
      , Effects.none