{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Model.Message.Translations ( getNonFormattedMessage ) where import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import Model.Message.Key import Model.Message.Lang getNonFormattedMessage :: Lang -> Key -> Text getNonFormattedMessage = m m :: Lang -> Key -> Text -- Title m l SharedCost = case l of English -> "Shared Cost" French -> "Partage des frais" -- Sign in m l Email = case l of English -> "Email" French -> "Courriel" m l SignIn = case l of English -> "Sign in" French -> "Connexion" m l InvalidEmail = case l of English -> "Your email is not valid." French -> "Votre courriel n'est pas valide." m l UnauthorizedSignIn = case l of English -> "You are not authorized to sign in." French -> "Tu n'es pas autorisé à te connecter." m l Forbidden = case l of English -> "You need to be logged in to perform this action" French -> "Tu dois te connecter pour effectuer cette action" m l SendEmailFail = case l of English -> "You are authorized to sign in, but we failed to send you the sign up email." French -> "Tu es autorisé à te connecter, mais nous n'avons pas pu t'envoyer le courriel de connexion." m l EnterValidEmail = case l of English -> "Please enter a valid email address." French -> "Ton courriel n'est pas valide." m l SignInUsed = case l of English -> "You already used this link, please sign in again." French -> "Tu as déjà utilisé ce lien, connecte-toi à nouveau." m l SignInExpired = case l of English -> "The link expired, please sign in again." French -> "Le lien sur lequel tu as cliqué a expiré, connecte-toi à nouveau." m l SignInInvalid = case l of English -> "The link is invalid, please sign in again." French -> "Le lien sur lequel tu as cliqué est invalide, connecte-toi à nouveau." m l SignInMailTitle = case l of English -> T.concat ["Sign in to ", m l SharedCost] French -> T.concat ["Connexion à ", m l SharedCost] m l SignInMail = T.intercalate "\n" ( case l of English -> [ "Hi {1}," , "" , T.concat [ "Click to the following link in order to sign in to Shared Cost:" , m l SharedCost , ":" ] , "{2}" , "" , "See you soon!" ] French -> [ "Salut {1}," , "" , T.concat [ "Clique sur le lien suivant pour te connecter à " , m l SharedCost , ":" ] , "{2}" , "" , "À très vite !" ] ) m l SignInEmailSent = case l of English -> "We sent you an email with a connexion link." French -> "Nous t'avons envoyé un courriel avec un lien pour te connecter." -- Date m l January = case l of English -> "January" French -> "Janvier" m l February = case l of English -> "February" French -> "Février" m l March = case l of English -> "March" French -> "Mars" m l April = case l of English -> "April" French -> "Avril" m l May = case l of English -> "May" French -> "Mai" m l June = case l of English -> "June" French -> "Juin" m l July = case l of English -> "July" French -> "Juillet" m l August = case l of English -> "August" French -> "Août" m l September = case l of English -> "September" French -> "Septembre" m l October = case l of English -> "October" French -> "Octobre" m l November = case l of English -> "November" French -> "Novembre" m l December = case l of English -> "December" French -> "Décembre" m l ShortDate = case l of English -> "{3}-{2}-{1}" French -> "{1}/{2}/{3}" m l LongDate = case l of English -> "{2} {1}, {3}" French -> "{1} {2} {3}" -- Validation m l CategoryRequired = case l of English -> "Type a category." French -> "Entre une catégorie." m l CostRequired = case l of English -> "Type a positive cost." French -> "Entre un coût positif." m l DateValidationError = case l of English -> "The date must be day/month/year" French -> "La date doit avoir la forme jour/mois/année" -- Payments m l Add = case l of English -> "Add" French -> "Ajouter" m l PaymentNotDeleted = case l of English -> "The payment could not have been deleted." French -> "Le paiement n'a pas pu être supprimé." m l Punctual = case l of English -> "Punctual" French -> "Ponctuel" m l Monthly = case l of English -> "Monthly" French -> "Mensuel" m l SingularMonthlyCount = case l of English -> "{1} monthly payment of {2}" French -> "{1} paiement mensuel de {2}" m l PluralMonthlyCount = case l of English -> "{1} monthly payments totalling {2}" French -> "{1} paiements mensuels comptabilisant {2}" m l PaymentsTitle = case l of English -> "Payments" French -> "Paiements" m l Payment = case l of English -> "payment" French -> "paiement" m l Payments = case l of English -> "payments" French -> "paiements" -- Statistics m l Statistics = case l of English -> "Statistics" French -> "Statistiques" m l Overall = case l of English -> "Overall" French -> "Global" m l ByMonths = case l of English -> "By months" French -> "Par mois" m l By = case l of English -> "by" French -> "par" -- Income m l CumulativeIncomesSince = case l of English -> "Cumulative incomes since {0}" French -> "Revenus nets cumulés depuis le {0}" m l AddIncome = case l of English -> "Add a monthly income" French -> "Ajouter un revenu mensuel net" m l Income = case l of English -> "Income" French -> "Revenu" m l MonthlyNetIncomes = case l of English -> "Monthly incomes" French -> "Revenus mensuels nets" m l IncomeNotDeleted = case l of English -> "The income could not have been deleted." French -> "Le revenu n'a pas pu être supprimé." -- Http error m l Timeout = case l of English -> "Timeout server error" French -> "Le serveur met trop de temps à répondre" m l NetworkError = case l of English -> "Network can not be reached" French -> "Le serveur n'est pas accessible" m l UnexpectedPayload = case l of English -> "Unexpected payload server error" French -> "Contenu inattendu du en provenance du serveur"