import h, { classNames } from 'lib/h' import * as soundsLib from 'sounds' import { Sound } from 'sounds' import * as play from 'view/sequencer/play' import * as addRemoveBeat from 'view/sequencer/addRemoveBeat' import * as block from 'view/sequencer/block' export function view() { let index = -1 let blocks = [{ [Sound.Bass]: true, [Sound.Snare]: false, [Sound.HitHatClosed]: false, }] let blocksNode = h('div', { className: 'g-Sequencer__Blocks' }, block.column([ { checked: false, onCheck: checked => blocks[0][Sound.HitHatClosed] = checked }, { checked: false, onCheck: checked => blocks[0][Sound.Snare] = checked }, { checked: true, onCheck: checked => blocks[0][Sound.Bass] = checked } ]) ) let onNextStep = (sounds: soundsLib.Sounds) => { let oldIndex = index let newIndex = (index + 1) % blocks.length index = newIndex let oldBlock = blocksNode.childNodes[oldIndex] as HTMLElement if (oldBlock !== undefined) oldBlock.classList.remove('g-Sequencer__Block--Beat') let newBlock = blocksNode.childNodes[newIndex] as HTMLElement // Trigger reflow between removing and adding the classname. // Allow to re-trigger the animation if there is only one column. // See void newBlock.offsetWidth newBlock.classList.add('g-Sequencer__Block--Beat') soundsLib.all().forEach(sound => { if (blocks[newIndex][sound]), sound) }) } let sequencer = h('div', { className: 'g-Sequencer' }, play.view({ onNextStep, onStop: () => { let block = blocksNode.childNodes[index] as HTMLElement block.classList.remove('g-Sequencer__Block--Beat') index = -1 } }), addRemoveBeat.view({ initBeats: 1, onRemove: index => { let lastBlock = blocksNode.childNodes[index] blocksNode.removeChild(lastBlock) blocks.pop() }, onAdd: index => { blocks.push({ [Sound.Bass]: false, [Sound.Snare]: false, [Sound.HitHatClosed]: false, }) blocksNode.appendChild(block.column( soundsLib.all().map(sound => ({ checked: false, onCheck: checked => blocks[index][sound] = checked })) )) } }), h('div', { className: 'g-Sequencer__Grid' }, h('ol', { className: 'g-Sequencer__Column' }, soundItem('Hit-hat (closed)', Sound.HitHatClosed), soundItem('Snare', Sound.Snare), soundItem('Bass', Sound.Bass) ), blocksNode ) ) return sequencer } function soundItem(name: string, sound: Sound): Element { return h('li', { onclick: async () => { let sounds = await soundsLib.load(), sound) } }, name ) }