path: root/src/timer.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/timer.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 116 deletions
diff --git a/src/timer.ml b/src/timer.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff0b8b..0000000
--- a/src/timer.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-(* Audio *)
-let c3 = Audio.create "sounds/c3.mp3"
-let c4 = Audio.create "sounds/c4.mp3"
-let c5 = Audio.create "sounds/c5.mp3"
-let playAudio (step : Step.state) =
- match step.step with
- | Step.Prepare when step.remaining == !Config.config.prepare ->
- Audio.playOrReplay c3
- | Step.Work when step.remaining == !Config.config.work ->
- Audio.playOrReplay c5
- | Step.Rest when step.remaining == !Config.config.rest ->
- Audio.playOrReplay c3
- | Step.End -> Audio.playOrReplay c3
- | _ -> if step.remaining <= 3 then Audio.playOrReplay c4 else ()
-(* Elements *)
-let timerElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer"
-let dialElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__Dial"
-let arcPathElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__ArcProgress"
-let stepElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__Step"
-let durationElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__Duration"
-let tabataCurrentElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__TabataCurrent"
-let tabataTotalElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__TabataTotal"
-let cycleCurrentElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__CycleCurrent"
-let cycleTotalElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__CycleTotal"
-let stopElt = Document.querySelectorUnsafe "#g-Timer__Stop"
-(* State *)
-let interval = ref None
-let duration = ref 0
-let elapsedTime = ref 0
-let onStop : (unit -> unit) ref = ref (fun () -> ())
-let isPlaying = ref false
-(* Actions *)
-let playPause _ = isPlaying := not !isPlaying
-let stop _ =
- let () = Belt.Option.forEach !interval Js.Global.clearInterval in
- !onStop ()
-(* View *)
-let updateDom () =
- let angle =
- Js.Int.toFloat !elapsedTime /. Js.Int.toFloat !duration *. 360.0
- in
- let () =
- Element.setAttribute arcPathElt "d" (Arc.describe 0.0 0.0 95.0 0.0 angle)
- in
- let step = Step.getAt !Config.config !elapsedTime in
- let () = Element.setInnerText stepElt (Step.prettyPrint step.step) in
- let () =
- Element.setInnerText durationElt (Duration.prettyPrint step.remaining)
- in
- let () =
- Element.setInnerText tabataCurrentElt (Js.Int.toString step.tabata)
- in
- let () = playAudio step in
- Element.setInnerText cycleCurrentElt (Js.Int.toString step.cycle)
-(* Update *)
-let update () =
- if !isPlaying then
- let () = elapsedTime := !elapsedTime + 1 in
- if !elapsedTime > !duration then stop () else updateDom ()
- else ()
-(* Init *)
-let init () =
- let () = duration := Config.getDuration () in
- let () = elapsedTime := 0 in
- let () =
- Element.setInnerText tabataTotalElt (Js.Int.toString !Config.config.tabatas)
- in
- Element.setInnerText cycleTotalElt (Js.Int.toString !Config.config.cycles)
-(* Setup and start *)
-let setup onTimerStop = onStop := onTimerStop
-let show () =
- let () = updateDom () in
- Element.setStyle timerElt "display: flex"
-let hide () = Element.setStyle timerElt "display: none"
-let start () =
- let () = interval := Some (Js.Global.setInterval update 1000) in
- isPlaying := true
-let () =
- let () = Element.addEventListener stopElt "click" stop in
- Element.addEventListener dialElt "click" playPause