path: root/client/src/Util
diff options
authorJoris2020-01-30 11:35:31 +0000
committerJoris2020-01-30 11:35:31 +0000
commit960fa7cb7ae4c57d01306f78cd349f3a8337d0ab (patch)
tree5077cc720525fb025e4dba65a9a8b631862cbcc8 /client/src/Util
parent14bdbc8c937f5d0b35c61350dba28cb41c3737cd (diff)
parent6a04e640955051616c3ad0874605830c448f2d75 (diff)
Merge branch 'with-ghcjs' into 'master'
Use Haskell on the frontend See merge request guyonvarch/shared-cost!2
Diffstat (limited to 'client/src/Util')
7 files changed, 533 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/client/src/Util/Ajax.hs b/client/src/Util/Ajax.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dcfd402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Util/Ajax.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+module Util.Ajax
+ ( getNow
+ , get
+ , post
+ , postAndParseResult
+ , put
+ , putAndParseResult
+ , delete
+ ) where
+import Control.Arrow (left)
+import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import Data.Default (def)
+import qualified Data.Map.Lazy as LM
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import Data.Time.Clock (NominalDiffTime)
+import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, IsXhrPayload,
+ MonadWidget, XhrRequest,
+ XhrRequestConfig (..), XhrResponse,
+ XhrResponseHeaders (..))
+import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
+import Loadable (Loadable)
+import qualified Loadable
+getNow :: forall t m a. (MonadWidget t m, FromJSON a) => Text -> m (Dynamic t (Loadable a))
+getNow url = do
+ postBuild <- R.getPostBuild
+ get (url <$ postBuild)
+ >>= R.debounce (0 :: NominalDiffTime) -- Fired 2 times otherwise
+ >>= Loadable.fromEvent
+ :: forall t m a. (MonadWidget t m, FromJSON a)
+ => Event t Text
+ -> m (Event t (Either Text a))
+get url =
+ fmap getJsonResult <$>
+ R.performRequestAsync (R.ffor url $ \u -> jsonRequest "GET" u (Aeson.String ""))
+ :: forall t m a. (MonadWidget t m, ToJSON a)
+ => Text
+ -> Event t a
+ -> m (Event t (Either Text ()))
+post url input =
+ fmap checkResult <$>
+ R.performRequestAsync (jsonRequest "POST" url <$> input)
+ :: forall t m a b. (MonadWidget t m, ToJSON a, FromJSON b)
+ => Text
+ -> Event t a
+ -> m (Event t (Either Text b))
+postAndParseResult url input =
+ fmap getJsonResult <$>
+ R.performRequestAsync (jsonRequest "POST" url <$> input)
+ :: forall t m a. (MonadWidget t m, ToJSON a)
+ => Text
+ -> Event t a
+ -> m (Event t (Either Text ()))
+put url input =
+ fmap checkResult <$>
+ R.performRequestAsync (jsonRequest "PUT" url <$> input)
+ :: forall t m a b. (MonadWidget t m, ToJSON a, FromJSON b)
+ => Text
+ -> Event t a
+ -> m (Event t (Either Text b))
+putAndParseResult url input =
+ fmap getJsonResult <$>
+ R.performRequestAsync (jsonRequest "PUT" url <$> input)
+ :: forall t m a. (MonadWidget t m)
+ => Dynamic t Text
+ -> Event t ()
+ -> m (Event t (Either Text Text))
+delete url fire = do
+ fmap getResult <$>
+ (R.performRequestAsync $
+ R.attachWith (\u _ -> request "DELETE" u ()) (R.current url) fire)
+checkResult :: XhrResponse -> Either Text ()
+checkResult response =
+ () <$ getResult response
+getJsonResult :: forall a. (FromJSON a) => XhrResponse -> Either Text a
+getJsonResult response =
+ case getResult response of
+ Left l -> Left l
+ Right r -> left T.pack . Aeson.eitherDecodeStrict $ (T.encodeUtf8 r)
+getResult :: XhrResponse -> Either Text Text
+getResult response =
+ case R._xhrResponse_responseText response of
+ Just responseText ->
+ if R._xhrResponse_status response == 200
+ then Right responseText
+ else Left responseText
+ _ -> Left "NoKey"
+request :: forall a. (IsXhrPayload a) => Text -> Text -> a -> XhrRequest a
+request method url payload =
+ let
+ config = XhrRequestConfig
+ { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_user = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_password = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_responseType = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_responseHeaders = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = False
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = payload
+ }
+ in
+ R.xhrRequest method url config
+jsonRequest :: forall a. (ToJSON a) => Text -> Text -> a -> XhrRequest ByteString
+jsonRequest method url payload =
+ let
+ config = XhrRequestConfig
+ { _xhrRequestConfig_headers = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_user = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_password = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_responseType = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_responseHeaders = def
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_withCredentials = False
+ , _xhrRequestConfig_sendData = LBS.toStrict $ Aeson.encode payload
+ }
+ in
+ R.xhrRequest method url config
diff --git a/client/src/Util/Css.hs b/client/src/Util/Css.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..804b10f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Util/Css.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module Util.Css
+ ( classes
+ ) where
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+classes :: [(Text, Bool)] -> Text
+classes = T.unwords . map fst . filter snd
diff --git a/client/src/Util/Either.hs b/client/src/Util/Either.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e76bc8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Util/Either.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Util.Either
+ ( eitherToMaybe
+ ) where
+eitherToMaybe :: forall a b. Either a b -> Maybe b
+eitherToMaybe (Right b) = Just b
+eitherToMaybe _ = Nothing
diff --git a/client/src/Util/Reflex.hs b/client/src/Util/Reflex.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aa5cebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Util/Reflex.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+module Util.Reflex
+ ( visibleIfDyn
+ , visibleIfEvent
+ , divVisibleIf
+ , divClassVisibleIf
+ , flatten
+ , flattenTuple
+ , getBody
+ ) where
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified GHCJS.DOM as Dom
+import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Document as Document
+import qualified GHCJS.DOM.HTMLCollection as HTMLCollection
+import GHCJS.DOM.Types (Element)
+import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, MonadWidget)
+import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
+visibleIfDyn :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t Bool -> m a -> m a -> m (Event t a)
+visibleIfDyn cond empty content =
+ R.dyn $ R.ffor cond $ \case
+ True -> content
+ False -> empty
+visibleIfEvent :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => Event t Bool -> m a -> m a -> m (Dynamic t a)
+visibleIfEvent cond empty content =
+ R.widgetHold empty $
+ R.ffor cond $ \case
+ True -> content
+ False -> empty
+divVisibleIf :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t Bool -> m a -> m a
+divVisibleIf cond content = divClassVisibleIf cond "" content
+divClassVisibleIf :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => Dynamic t Bool -> Text -> m a -> m a
+divClassVisibleIf cond className content =
+ R.elDynAttr
+ "div"
+ (fmap (\c -> (M.singleton "class" className) `M.union` if c then M.empty else M.singleton "style" "display:none") cond)
+ content
+flatten :: forall t m a. MonadWidget t m => Event t (Event t a) -> m (Event t a)
+flatten e = do
+ dyn <- R.holdDyn R.never e
+ return $ R.switchDyn dyn
+ :: forall t m a b. MonadWidget t m
+ => Event t (Event t a, Event t b)
+ -> m (Event t a, Event t b)
+flattenTuple e = (,) <$> (flatten $ fmap fst e) <*> (flatten $ fmap snd e)
+getBody :: forall t m. MonadWidget t m => m Element
+getBody = do
+ document <- Dom.currentDocumentUnchecked
+ nodelist <- Document.getElementsByTagName document ("body" :: String)
+ Just body <- nodelist `HTMLCollection.item` 0
+ return body
diff --git a/client/src/Util/Router.hs b/client/src/Util/Router.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e9d0a1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Util/Router.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE JavaScriptFFI #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
+module Util.Router (
+ -- == High-level routers
+ route
+ , route'
+ , partialPathRoute
+ -- = Low-level URL bar access
+ , getLoc
+ , getURI
+ , getUrlText
+ , uriOrigin
+ , URI
+ -- = History movement
+ , goForward
+ , goBack
+ ) where
+import Control.Lens ((&), (.~), (^.))
+import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix)
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T
+import GHCJS.DOM (currentDocumentUnchecked,
+ currentWindowUnchecked)
+import GHCJS.DOM.Document (createEvent)
+import GHCJS.DOM.Event (initEvent)
+import GHCJS.DOM.EventM (on)
+import GHCJS.DOM.EventTarget (dispatchEvent_)
+import GHCJS.DOM.History (History, back, forward,
+ pushState)
+import GHCJS.DOM.Location (getHref)
+import GHCJS.DOM.PopStateEvent
+import GHCJS.DOM.Types (Location (..),
+ PopStateEvent (..))
+import GHCJS.DOM.Types (MonadJSM, uncheckedCastTo)
+import qualified GHCJS.DOM.Types as DOM
+import GHCJS.DOM.Window (getHistory, getLocation)
+import GHCJS.DOM.WindowEventHandlers (popState)
+import GHCJS.Foreign (isFunction)
+import GHCJS.Marshal.Pure (pFromJSVal)
+import Language.Javascript.JSaddle (JSM, Object (..), ghcjsPure,
+ liftJSM)
+import qualified Language.Javascript.JSaddle as JS
+import Reflex.Dom.Core hiding (EventName, Window)
+import qualified URI.ByteString as U
+-- | Manipulate and track the URL 'GHCJS.DOM.Types.Location' for dynamic
+-- routing of a widget
+-- These sources of URL-bar change will be reflected in the output URI
+-- - Input events to 'route'
+-- - Browser Forward/Back button clicks
+-- - forward/back javascript calls (or 'goForward'/'goBack') Haskell calls
+-- - Any URL changes followed by a popState event
+-- But external calls to pushState that don't manually fire a popState
+-- won't be detected
+ :: forall t m.
+ ( MonadHold t m
+ , PostBuild t m
+ , TriggerEvent t m
+ , PerformEvent t m
+ , HasJSContext m
+ , HasJSContext (Performable m)
+ , MonadJSM m
+ , MonadJSM (Performable m))
+ => Event t T.Text
+ -> m (Dynamic t (U.URIRef U.Absolute))
+route pushTo = do
+ loc0 <- getURI
+ _ <- performEvent $ ffor pushTo $ \t -> do
+ let newState = Just t
+ withHistory $ \h -> pushState h (0 :: Double) ("" :: T.Text) (newState :: Maybe T.Text)
+ liftJSM dispatchEvent'
+ locUpdates <- getPopState
+ holdDyn loc0 locUpdates
+ :: forall t m a b.
+ ( MonadHold t m
+ , PostBuild t m
+ , TriggerEvent t m
+ , PerformEvent t m
+ , HasJSContext m
+ , HasJSContext (Performable m)
+ , MonadJSM m
+ , MonadJSM (Performable m)
+ , MonadFix m)
+ => (URI -> a -> URI)
+ -> (URI -> b)
+ -> Event t a
+ -> m (Dynamic t b)
+route' encode decode routeUpdate = do
+ rec rUri <- route (T.decodeUtf8 . U.serializeURIRef' <$> urlUpdates)
+ let urlUpdates = attachWith encode (current rUri) routeUpdate
+ return $ decode <$> rUri
+-- | Route a single page app according to the part of the path after
+-- pathBase
+ :: forall t m.
+ ( MonadHold t m
+ , PostBuild t m
+ , DomBuilder t m
+ , TriggerEvent t m
+ , PerformEvent t m
+ , HasJSContext m
+ , HasJSContext (Performable m)
+ , MonadJSM m
+ , MonadJSM (Performable m)
+ , MonadFix m)
+ => T.Text -- ^ The path segments not related to SPA routing
+ -- (leading '/' will be added automaticaly)
+ -> Event t T.Text -- ^ Updates to the path segments used for routing
+ -- These values will be appended to the base path
+ -> m (Dynamic t [T.Text]) -- ^ Path segments used for routing
+partialPathRoute pathBase pathUpdates = do
+ route' (flip updateUrl) parseParts pathUpdates
+ where
+ rootPathBase :: T.Text
+ rootPathBase =
+ if T.null pathBase then
+ ""
+ else
+ "/" <> cleanT pathBase
+ toPath :: T.Text -> BS.ByteString
+ toPath dynpath = T.encodeUtf8 $ rootPathBase <> "/" <> cleanT dynpath
+ updateUrl :: T.Text -> URI -> URI
+ updateUrl updateParts u = u & U.pathL .~ toPath updateParts
+ parseParts :: URI -> [T.Text]
+ parseParts u =
+ maybe (error $ pfxErr u pathBase)
+ (T.splitOn "/" . T.decodeUtf8 . cleanB) .
+ BS.stripPrefix (T.encodeUtf8 $ cleanT pathBase) $
+ cleanB (u ^. U.pathL)
+ cleanT = T.dropWhile (=='/')
+ cleanB = BS.dropWhile (== '/')
+uriOrigin :: U.URIRef U.Absolute -> T.Text
+uriOrigin r = T.decodeUtf8 $ U.serializeURIRef' r'
+ where
+ r' = r { U.uriPath = mempty
+ , U.uriQuery = mempty
+ , U.uriFragment = mempty
+ }
+ :: forall t m.
+ ( MonadHold t m
+ , TriggerEvent t m
+ , MonadJSM m) => m (Event t URI)
+getPopState = do
+ window <- currentWindowUnchecked
+ wrapDomEventMaybe window (`on` popState) $ do
+ loc <- getLocation window
+ locStr <- getHref loc
+ return . hush $ U.parseURI U.laxURIParserOptions (T.encodeUtf8 locStr)
+goForward :: (HasJSContext m, MonadJSM m) => m ()
+goForward = withHistory forward
+goBack :: (HasJSContext m, MonadJSM m) => m ()
+goBack = withHistory back
+withHistory :: (HasJSContext m, MonadJSM m) => (History -> m a) -> m a
+withHistory act = do
+ w <- currentWindowUnchecked
+ h <- getHistory w
+ act h
+-- | (Unsafely) get the 'GHCJS.DOM.Location.Location' of a window
+getLoc :: (HasJSContext m, MonadJSM m) => m Location
+getLoc = do
+ win <- currentWindowUnchecked
+ loc <- getLocation win
+ return loc
+-- | (Unsafely) get the URL text of a window
+getUrlText :: (HasJSContext m, MonadJSM m) => m T.Text
+getUrlText = getLoc >>= getHref
+type URI = U.URIRef U.Absolute
+getURI :: (HasJSContext m, MonadJSM m) => m URI
+getURI = do
+ l <- getUrlText
+ return $ either (error "No parse of window location") id .
+ U.parseURI U.laxURIParserOptions $ T.encodeUtf8 l
+dispatchEvent' :: JSM ()
+dispatchEvent' = do
+ window <- currentWindowUnchecked
+ obj@(Object o) <- JS.create
+ JS.objSetPropertyByName obj ("cancelable" :: Text) True
+ JS.objSetPropertyByName obj ("bubbles" :: Text) True
+ JS.objSetPropertyByName obj ("view" :: Text) window
+ event <- JS.jsg ("PopStateEvent" :: Text) >>= ghcjsPure . isFunction >>= \case
+ True -> newPopStateEvent ("popstate" :: Text) $ Just $ pFromJSVal o
+ False -> do
+ doc <- currentDocumentUnchecked
+ event <- createEvent doc ("PopStateEvent" :: Text)
+ initEvent event ("popstate" :: Text) True True
+ JS.objSetPropertyByName obj ("view" :: Text) window
+ return $ uncheckedCastTo PopStateEvent event
+ dispatchEvent_ window event
+hush :: Either e a -> Maybe a
+hush (Right a) = Just a
+hush _ = Nothing
+pfxErr :: URI -> T.Text -> String
+pfxErr pn pathBase =
+ T.unpack $ "Encountered path (" <> T.decodeUtf8 (U.serializeURIRef' pn)
+ <> ") without expected prefix (" <> pathBase <> ")"
diff --git a/client/src/Util/Validation.hs b/client/src/Util/Validation.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..50f2468
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Util/Validation.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module Util.Validation
+ ( nelError
+ , toMaybe
+ , maybeError
+ , fireValidation
+ ) where
+import Control.Monad (join)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Validation (Validation (Failure, Success))
+import qualified Data.Validation as Validation
+import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, Reflex)
+import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
+nelError :: Validation a b -> Validation (NonEmpty a) b
+nelError = Validation.validation (Failure . NEL.fromList . (:[])) Success
+toMaybe :: Validation a b -> Maybe b
+toMaybe (Success s) = Just s
+toMaybe (Failure _) = Nothing
+maybeError :: Validation a b -> Maybe a
+maybeError (Success _) = Nothing
+maybeError (Failure e) = Just e
+ :: forall t a b c. Reflex t
+ => Dynamic t (Validation a b)
+ -> Event t c
+ -> Event t b
+fireValidation value validate =
+ R.fmapMaybe
+ (Validation.validation (const Nothing) Just)
+ (R.tag (R.current value) validate)
diff --git a/client/src/Util/WaitFor.hs b/client/src/Util/WaitFor.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe7b733
--- /dev/null
+++ b/client/src/Util/WaitFor.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+module Util.WaitFor
+ ( waitFor
+ ) where
+import Data.Time (NominalDiffTime)
+import Reflex.Dom (Dynamic, Event, MonadWidget)
+import qualified Reflex.Dom as R
+ :: forall t m a b. MonadWidget t m
+ => (Event t a -> m (Event t b))
+ -> Event t a
+ -> m (Event t b, Event t Bool)
+waitFor op input = do
+ result <- op input >>= R.debounce (0.5 :: NominalDiffTime)
+ let waiting = R.leftmost [ True <$ input , False <$ result ]
+ return (result, waiting)