path: root/src/client/View/Payments/Add.elm
diff options
authorJoris2015-09-06 16:46:59 +0200
committerJoris2015-09-06 16:46:59 +0200
commit3853811450d4fe801da996eb48825049c3541030 (patch)
treeb483c6152f55b6fe87d23108d2d0346a593e51ac /src/client/View/Payments/Add.elm
parent0b6f0fa29075178b45cb17d2932003ab4b342280 (diff)
Renaming PaymentView to LoggedInView
Diffstat (limited to 'src/client/View/Payments/Add.elm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/View/Payments/Add.elm b/src/client/View/Payments/Add.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index f352f1f..0000000
--- a/src/client/View/Payments/Add.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-module View.Payments.Add
- ( addPayment
- ) where
-import Html as H exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Reads exposing (readInt)
-import Result exposing (..)
-import ServerCommunication as SC exposing (serverCommunications)
-import Update exposing (..)
-import Update.LoggedView exposing (..)
-import Update.LoggedView.Add exposing (..)
-import Model exposing (Model)
-import Model.View.Payment.Add exposing (..)
-import Model.Translations exposing (getMessage)
-import Model.View.LoggedView exposing (LoggedView)
-import View.Events exposing (onSubmitPrevDefault)
-import View.Icon exposing (renderIcon)
-import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust)
-import Utils.Either exposing (toMaybeError)
-addPayment : Model -> LoggedView -> Html
-addPayment model loggedView =
- H.form
- [ case (validateName loggedView.add.name model.translations, validateCost loggedView.add.cost model.translations) of
- (Ok name, Ok cost) ->
- let action =
- case loggedView.add.frequency of
- Punctual -> SC.AddPayment loggedView.me name cost
- Monthly -> SC.AddMonthlyPayment name cost
- in onSubmitPrevDefault serverCommunications.address action
- (resName, resCost) ->
- onSubmitPrevDefault actions.address (UpdateLoggedView <| UpdateAdd <| AddError (toMaybeError resName) (toMaybeError resCost))
- ]
- [ addPaymentName loggedView.add
- , addPaymentCost model loggedView.add
- , paymentFrequency model loggedView.add
- , button
- [ type' "submit"
- , class "add" ]
- [ text (getMessage "Add" model.translations)]
- ]
-addPaymentName : AddPayment -> Html
-addPaymentName addPayment =
- div
- [ class ("name " ++ (if isJust addPayment.nameError then "error" else "")) ]
- [ input
- [ id "nameInput"
- , value addPayment.name
- , on "input" targetValue (Signal.message actions.address << UpdateLoggedView << UpdateAdd << UpdateName)
- , maxlength 20
- ]
- []
- , label
- [ for "nameInput" ]
- [ renderIcon "shopping-cart" ]
- , case addPayment.nameError of
- Just error ->
- div [ class "errorMessage" ] [ text error ]
- Nothing ->
- text ""
- ]
-addPaymentCost : Model -> AddPayment -> Html
-addPaymentCost model addPayment =
- div
- [ class ("cost " ++ (if isJust addPayment.costError then "error" else "")) ]
- [ input
- [ id "costInput"
- , value addPayment.cost
- , on "input" targetValue (Signal.message actions.address << UpdateLoggedView << UpdateAdd << UpdateCost)
- , maxlength 7
- ]
- []
- , label
- [ for "costInput" ]
- [ text (getMessage "MoneySymbol" model.translations) ]
- , case addPayment.costError of
- Just error ->
- div [ class "errorMessage" ] [ text error ]
- Nothing ->
- text ""
- ]
-paymentFrequency : Model -> AddPayment -> Html
-paymentFrequency model addPayment =
- button
- [ type' "button"
- , class "frequency"
- , onClick actions.address (UpdateLoggedView << UpdateAdd <| ToggleFrequency)
- ]
- [ div
- [ class ("punctual" ++ if addPayment.frequency == Punctual then " selected" else "") ]
- [ text (getMessage "Punctual" model.translations) ]
- , div
- [ class ("monthly" ++ if addPayment.frequency == Monthly then " selected" else "") ]
- [ text (getMessage "Monthly" model.translations) ]
- ]