path: root/src/client/elm/Model/Payer.elm
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authorJoris2015-12-29 22:38:42 +0100
committerJoris2015-12-29 22:38:42 +0100
commita7db22556b91bc7c499e010b4c051f4442ad8ce2 (patch)
tree9f991523cee681bf179c191260b95672f1c44def /src/client/elm/Model/Payer.elm
parentc79fa3e212e8bb49f950da3c3218e32e3b9df2ec (diff)
Using persona to validate emails
Diffstat (limited to 'src/client/elm/Model/Payer.elm')
1 files changed, 132 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/elm/Model/Payer.elm b/src/client/elm/Model/Payer.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9fd1bb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/elm/Model/Payer.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+module Model.Payer
+ ( Payers
+ , Payer
+ , ExceedingPayer
+ , payersDecoder
+ , updatePayers
+ , getOrderedExceedingPayers
+ ) where
+import Json.Decode as Json exposing (..)
+import Dict exposing (..)
+import List
+import Maybe
+import Time exposing (Time)
+import Model.User exposing (UserId, userIdDecoder)
+import Model.Income exposing (..)
+import Utils.Dict exposing (mapValues)
+import Utils.Maybe exposing (isJust)
+type alias Payers = Dict UserId Payer
+type alias Payer =
+ { preIncomePaymentSum : Int
+ , postIncomePaymentSum : Int
+ , incomes : List Income
+ }
+payersDecoder : Decoder Payers
+payersDecoder = Json.map Dict.fromList (list payerDecoder)
+payerDecoder : Decoder (UserId, Payer)
+payerDecoder =
+ object2 (,)
+ ("userId" := userIdDecoder)
+ (object3 Payer
+ ("preIncomePaymentSum" := int)
+ ("postIncomePaymentSum" := int)
+ ("incomes" := list incomeDecoder))
+updatePayers : Payers -> UserId -> Time -> Int -> Payers
+updatePayers payers userId creation amountDiff =
+ payers
+ |> Dict.update userId (\mbPayer ->
+ case mbPayer of
+ Just payer ->
+ let postIncome =
+ payersIncomeDefinedForAll payers
+ |> Maybe.map (\date -> creation > date)
+ |> Maybe.withDefault False
+ in if postIncome
+ then
+ Just { payer | postIncomePaymentSum <- payer.postIncomePaymentSum + amountDiff }
+ else
+ Just { payer | preIncomePaymentSum <- payer.preIncomePaymentSum + amountDiff }
+ Nothing ->
+ Nothing
+ )
+type alias ExceedingPayer =
+ { userId : UserId
+ , amount : Int
+ }
+getOrderedExceedingPayers : Time -> Payers -> List ExceedingPayer
+getOrderedExceedingPayers currentTime payers =
+ let exceedingPayersOnPreIncome =
+ payers
+ |> mapValues .preIncomePaymentSum
+ |> Dict.toList
+ |> exceedingPayersFromAmounts
+ in case payersIncomeDefinedForAll payers of
+ Just since ->
+ let postPaymentPayers =
+ payers
+ |> mapValues (getPostPaymentPayer currentTime since)
+ mbMaxRatio =
+ postPaymentPayers
+ |> Dict.toList
+ |> List.map (.ratio << snd)
+ |> List.maximum
+ in case mbMaxRatio of
+ Just maxRatio ->
+ postPaymentPayers
+ |> mapValues (getFinalDiff maxRatio)
+ |> Dict.toList
+ |> exceedingPayersFromAmounts
+ Nothing ->
+ exceedingPayersOnPreIncome
+ Nothing ->
+ exceedingPayersOnPreIncome
+payersIncomeDefinedForAll : Payers -> Maybe Time
+payersIncomeDefinedForAll payers =
+ incomeDefinedForAll (List.map (.incomes << snd) << Dict.toList <| payers)
+exceedingPayersFromAmounts : List (UserId, Int) -> List ExceedingPayer
+exceedingPayersFromAmounts userAmounts =
+ let mbMinAmount = List.minimum << List.map snd <| userAmounts
+ in case mbMinAmount of
+ Nothing ->
+ []
+ Just minAmount ->
+ userAmounts
+ |> List.map (\userAmount ->
+ { userId = fst userAmount
+ , amount = snd userAmount - minAmount
+ }
+ )
+ |> List.filter (\payer -> payer.amount > 0)
+type alias PostPaymentPayer =
+ { preIncomePaymentSum : Int
+ , cumulativeIncome : Int
+ , ratio : Float
+ }
+getPostPaymentPayer : Time -> Time -> Payer -> PostPaymentPayer
+getPostPaymentPayer currentTime since payer =
+ let cumulativeIncome = cumulativeIncomesSince currentTime since payer.incomes
+ in { preIncomePaymentSum = payer.preIncomePaymentSum
+ , cumulativeIncome = cumulativeIncome
+ , ratio = toFloat payer.postIncomePaymentSum / toFloat cumulativeIncome
+ }
+getFinalDiff : Float -> PostPaymentPayer -> Int
+getFinalDiff maxRatio payer =
+ let postIncomeDiff =
+ -1 * (maxRatio - payer.ratio) * toFloat payer.cumulativeIncome
+ |> truncate
+ in postIncomeDiff + payer.preIncomePaymentSum