path: root/src/client/elm/ServerCommunication.elm
diff options
authorJoris2015-12-29 22:38:42 +0100
committerJoris2015-12-29 22:38:42 +0100
commita7db22556b91bc7c499e010b4c051f4442ad8ce2 (patch)
tree9f991523cee681bf179c191260b95672f1c44def /src/client/elm/ServerCommunication.elm
parentc79fa3e212e8bb49f950da3c3218e32e3b9df2ec (diff)
Using persona to validate emails
Diffstat (limited to 'src/client/elm/ServerCommunication.elm')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/elm/ServerCommunication.elm b/src/client/elm/ServerCommunication.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70612cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/client/elm/ServerCommunication.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+module ServerCommunication
+ ( Communication(..)
+ , sendRequest
+ , serverCommunications
+ ) where
+import Signal
+import Task as Task exposing (Task)
+import Http
+import Json.Decode exposing (..)
+import Date
+import Time exposing (Time)
+import Debug
+import SimpleHTTP exposing (..)
+import Model.User exposing (UserId)
+import Model.Payment exposing (..)
+import Model.View.LoggedIn.Add exposing (Frequency(..))
+import Update as U
+import Update.SignIn exposing (..)
+import Update.LoggedIn as UL
+import Update.LoggedIn.Monthly as UM
+import Update.LoggedIn.Account as UA
+import InitViewAction exposing (initViewAction)
+type Communication =
+ NoCommunication
+ | SignIn String
+ | AddPayment UserId String Int
+ | AddMonthlyPayment String Int
+ | SetIncome Time Int
+ | DeletePayment Payment Int
+ | DeleteMonthlyPayment PaymentId
+ | UpdatePage Int
+ | SignOut
+serverCommunications : Signal.Mailbox Communication
+serverCommunications = Signal.mailbox NoCommunication
+sendRequest : Communication -> Task Http.Error U.Action
+sendRequest communication =
+ case communication of
+ NoCommunication ->
+ Task.succeed U.NoOp
+ SignIn assertion ->
+ post ("/signIn?assertion=" ++ assertion)
+ |> flip Task.andThen (always initViewAction)
+ AddPayment userId name cost ->
+ post (addPaymentURL name cost Punctual)
+ |> flip Task.andThen (always (getPaymentsAtPage 1))
+ |> Task.map (\payments -> U.UpdateLoggedIn (UL.AddPayment userId name cost payments))
+ AddMonthlyPayment name cost ->
+ post (addPaymentURL name cost Monthly)
+ |> flip Task.andThen (decodeHttpValue <| "id" := paymentIdDecoder)
+ |> Task.map (\id -> U.UpdateLoggedIn (UL.AddMonthlyPayment id name cost))
+ DeletePayment payment currentPage ->
+ post (deletePaymentURL payment.id)
+ |> flip Task.andThen (always (getPaymentsAtPage currentPage))
+ |> Task.map (\payments -> U.UpdateLoggedIn (UL.DeletePayment payment payments))
+ DeleteMonthlyPayment id ->
+ post (deletePaymentURL id)
+ |> Task.map (always (U.UpdateLoggedIn (UL.UpdateMonthly (UM.DeletePayment id))))
+ UpdatePage page ->
+ getPaymentsAtPage page
+ |> flip Task.andThen (Task.succeed << U.UpdateLoggedIn << UL.UpdatePage page)
+ SetIncome currentTime amount ->
+ post ("/income?amount=" ++ (toString amount))
+ |> Task.map (always (U.UpdateLoggedIn (UL.UpdateAccount (UA.UpdateIncome currentTime amount))))
+ SignOut ->
+ post "/signOut"
+ |> Task.map (always U.GoSignInView)
+getPaymentsAtPage : Int -> Task Http.Error Payments
+getPaymentsAtPage page =
+ Http.get paymentsDecoder ("payments?page=" ++ toString page ++ "&perPage=" ++ toString perPage)
+addPaymentURL : String -> Int -> Frequency -> String
+addPaymentURL name cost frequency =
+ "/payment/add?name=" ++ name ++ "&cost=" ++ (toString cost) ++ "&frequency=" ++ (toString frequency)
+deletePaymentURL : PaymentId -> String
+deletePaymentURL id =
+ "payment/delete?id=" ++ (toString id)