path: root/src/server/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs
diff options
authorJoris2016-11-13 00:49:32 +0100
committerJoris2016-11-13 00:49:32 +0100
commit86a96decdb8892b10c5314eb916ef15a64204450 (patch)
tree6f41742d0466f77948680964188144fbff036902 /src/server/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs
parentbf6a0a0b32a7efb88f75c2e89b84d6907aeb10bc (diff)
Send weekly activity at start of week about previous week
Diffstat (limited to 'src/server/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/server/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs b/src/server/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b333891
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/server/View/Mail/WeeklyReport.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module View.Mail.WeeklyReport
+ ( mail
+ ) where
+import Data.Monoid ((<>))
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, fromMaybe)
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
+import Data.Time.Calendar (Day, toGregorian)
+import Data.List (sortOn)
+import Resource (Status(..), groupByStatus)
+import Database.Persist (Entity, entityVal)
+import Model.Database (Payment, Income, User, UserId)
+import qualified Model.Database as D
+import Model.Mail (Mail(Mail))
+import qualified Model.Mail as M
+import Model.Message (getMessage, getParamMessage, plural)
+import qualified Model.Message.Key as K
+import Model.User (findUser)
+import Conf (Conf)
+import qualified Conf as Conf
+import qualified View.Format as Format
+import Utils.Time (monthToKey)
+mail :: Conf -> [Entity User] -> [Payment] -> [Income] -> UTCTime -> UTCTime -> Mail
+mail conf users payments incomes start end =
+ Mail
+ { M.from = Conf.noReplyMail conf
+ , M.to = map (D.userEmail . entityVal) users
+ , M.subject = T.concat [getMessage K.SharedCost, " − ", getMessage K.WeeklyReport]
+ , M.plainBody = body conf users (groupByStatus start end payments) (groupByStatus start end incomes)
+ }
+body :: Conf -> [Entity User] -> Map Status [Payment] -> Map Status [Income] -> Text
+body conf users paymentsByStatus incomesByStatus =
+ T.intercalate "\n\n" . catMaybes $
+ [ paymentSection Created conf users <$> M.lookup Created paymentsByStatus
+ , paymentSection Edited conf users <$> M.lookup Edited paymentsByStatus
+ , paymentSection Deleted conf users <$> M.lookup Deleted paymentsByStatus
+ , incomeSection Created conf users <$> M.lookup Created incomesByStatus
+ , incomeSection Edited conf users <$> M.lookup Edited incomesByStatus
+ , incomeSection Deleted conf users <$> M.lookup Deleted incomesByStatus
+ ]
+paymentSection :: Status -> Conf -> [Entity User] -> [Payment] -> Text
+paymentSection status conf users payments =
+ section
+ (plural (length payments) singleKey pluralKey)
+ (map (payedFor status conf users) . sortOn D.paymentDate $ payments)
+ where (singleKey, pluralKey) =
+ case status of
+ Created -> (K.PaymentCreated, K.PaymentsCreated)
+ Edited -> (K.PaymentEdited, K.PaymentsEdited)
+ Deleted -> (K.PaymentDeleted, K.PaymentsDeleted)
+payedFor :: Status -> Conf -> [Entity User] -> Payment -> Text
+payedFor status conf users payment =
+ getParamMessage
+ [ formatUserName (D.paymentUserId payment) users
+ , Format.price conf . D.paymentCost $ payment
+ , D.paymentName payment
+ , formatDay $ D.paymentDate payment
+ ]
+ ( case status of
+ Created -> K.PayedFor
+ Edited -> K.PayedFor
+ Deleted -> K.DidNotPayFor
+ )
+incomeSection :: Status -> Conf -> [Entity User] -> [Income] -> Text
+incomeSection status conf users incomes =
+ section
+ (plural (length incomes) singleKey pluralKey)
+ (map (isPayedFrom status conf users) . sortOn D.incomeDate $ incomes)
+ where (singleKey, pluralKey) =
+ case status of
+ Created -> (K.IncomeCreated, K.IncomesCreated)
+ Edited -> (K.IncomeEdited, K.IncomesEdited)
+ Deleted -> (K.IncomeDeleted, K.IncomesDeleted)
+isPayedFrom :: Status -> Conf -> [Entity User] -> Income -> Text
+isPayedFrom status conf users income =
+ getParamMessage
+ [ formatUserName (D.incomeUserId income) users
+ , Format.price conf . D.incomeAmount $ income
+ , formatDay $ D.incomeDate income
+ ]
+ ( case status of
+ Created -> K.IsPayedFrom
+ Edited -> K.IsPayedFrom
+ Deleted -> K.IsNotPayedFrom
+ )
+formatUserName :: UserId -> [Entity User] -> Text
+formatUserName userId = fromMaybe "−" . fmap D.userName . findUser userId
+formatDay :: Day -> Text
+formatDay d =
+ let (year, month, day) = toGregorian d
+ in getParamMessage
+ [ T.pack . show $ day
+ , fromMaybe "−" . fmap getMessage . monthToKey $ month
+ , T.pack . show $ year
+ ]
+ K.LongDate
+section :: Text -> [Text] -> Text
+section title items =
+ T.concat
+ [ title
+ , "\n"
+ , T.unlines . map (" - " <>) $ items
+ ]